You are not a hotel and that’s why your guests have chosen your vacation rental property – but boy are they demanding! They still expect all or many of the attributes of a hotel but with the added charm and personal flavour of a private home. Once they have chosen your property for its location/amenities/style, they have also left the relative anonymity of the booking platform – and this is where you can shine and make a difference to the hospitality experience! And I don’t mean this from an amenity perspective. Unlike with a hotel there is no standardized pillow offering or bar service. With an interactive guestbook you have an opportunity not only to create your own brand, but also provide reassurance as well as the most precious of all joys embodied in the German term “Vorfreude”: the joy of anticipation. And you can do this with the way you provide information and a truly personalised welcome.
A lot of your guests’ pre-vacation experience depends on solid and positive communications. And that includes not only the details of how to reach your property, but also information about the property, activities and restaurants carefully curated and presented by you. The more personal this welcome is, the more it will be appreciated. You may include a personal video message and for guests from other countries our platform lets your guests choose their language.